Friday, 5 April 2013

Interview of an International Moderator.

Hey everyone, we apologise for the large break we've taken. But we're back now and we're excited to give you all the low-down on the latest Howrse news!

We interviewed another moderator, one who works on the international server. We're interested to know what really annoys our mods, what they enjoy and what they love about our game. So sit back, relax and read Mod "I's" interview!

TH: We're sure you must enjoy your job, what's the highlight?
  I:  I love playing Howrse and I love the people I talk too. It's so enjoyable to breed horses and look after them.

TH: And the lowlights?
  I  : Definitely having to sanction players, nobody enjoys that.

TH: What's your favourite breed of horse?
  I  : I really like Akhal-Teke horses, pity they aren't on the international server. It's ok though, I also play on other servers, which allows me to breed AT's!

TH: What's the rule that get's broken the most often on Howrse?
  I  : I don't know if there is one that gets broken the most, they all get tested. Multi-accounting is becoming more prevalent it seems, that rule is a big one. Another one is what goes on in the forums. The rules are pretty basic, yet it's the basic ones that seem to get broken the most.

TH: What kinds of things do you not like seeing in the forums?
  I  : Advertising, players being rude, mini-modding, people posting 6 or 7 topics a day.

TH: Why do you not like these things specifically?
  I  : Advertising - well because we'd all like to have our things seen. We'd all love players to buy our horses, board in our centres etc. But if we all advertise, then we tend not to answer game play questions that really need answering.
Rudeness: because it makes players angry, sad and really a whole range of emotions. FYI, just because you have high seniority, doesn't mean you know everything about the game.
Mini-Modding: Again, if you have seniority, help other players with your knowledge that's all you're there to do. We will sort out the rest.
Serial-Posters: If you have 6 or 7 genuine questions, that's ok. If you're asking silly questions over and over again then you're going to annoy other players.

Thanks again to I, you've really given us insight into the things moderators do and what makes you tick. Just remember players, Moderators aren't paid. They volunteer. So give them a break now and again! Also, thanks to TH writer Analeise from America for getting this interview for us.