Sunday, 25 November 2012

Objectives 22 - 29

22. Put one of your horses in a stall for 10 consecutive hours
       Hint: It is not the box that you put your horse to sleep in.
        - You must put it in the box on the top right hand side of the page. 
Reward: 4 FK horseshoes

23. Congratulate a player on their birthday
Hint: Go to community > Directory > "See today's birthdays"
Reward: 1 MF Bridle

24. Give your horse a health mash
      Hint: Search for an EC with health mashes, you may need a horse of high skill in some cases. Then go to horse, go into feed and select health mashes.

Reward: 1 Sea-horse

25. Give an apple to another player’s horse
       Hint: Find any horse (that you don't own) and give it an apple.

Reward: 1 MK saddle

26. Reach a breeder reserve of _____ equus 
       Hint: This can take a few days, check out our post on earning equus' to find out some ways to get some cash.
Reward: 300 more equus

27. Sell a horse in auction
        Hint: It takes 3 days for an auction to finish, so if you know you're coming up to this objective put your horse up early for a fair amount (500e) It will validate once you've sold the horse.
Reward: a trained horse with a Water of Youth

28. Out of the past 20 days, log-in 10 days
       Hint: Come online each day.
Reward: 20 apples

29.Buy a saddle from the shop
Hint: Breeding > Store, buy the cheapest saddle.
Reward: 2 energy mashes

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Objectives 11 - 21

It's taken us a while, but we're back with the next objectives. Good luck!

11. Equip your horse with horseshoes
Hint - Go to your horses page, under the competition tab  
Reward: 1 trained horse with Pluto’s Parchment

12. Buy 20 turnips at a time from the store
        Hint - Sell exactly the amount stated, no more, no less. 
Reward: 10 more turnips

13. Train for at least three hours with any of your horses
        Hint - Go to your horses page, choose a discipline and train for 3 hours >
Reward: 2 energy mashes

14. View the details of one of the top 20 players in the general ranking
       Hint - Go to Ranking > General > Click on the page of one of the players.
Reward: 3 aging points

15. Participate in 8 competitions with your horse
      Hint: It can be 1 - or all of your horses.
Reward: 300 equus

16. Use an aging point
       Hint: Go the page of a horse, make sure they're at least fed, groomed and in bed and then age. 

Reward: Fully trained pegasus

17. Be an employee in an equestrian center
       Hint: You should already be employed, but if not go to Profile > My job
Reward: regular salary

18. Finish among the top four in a competition with your horse
        Hint: Come 1st, 2nd, 3rd of 4th. Enter two horses in a competiton, you'll come at the least 4th.

Reward: 2 calorific mashes

19. Put horses from your breeding farm to bed _____ times
      Hint: Don't try and do this one all in one day, if you can't do it over a few days. 
Reward: Daphne’s Laurels
20. Bid on a horse at auction
        Hint: You need 10 days of seniority to access the auctions
Reward: 300e

21. Name one of your horses “Tip”
       Hint: Some people say it has to be a horse you bred. Make sure you spell it correctly 'Tip' Yes, you need the capital letter!
Reward: 10 turnips

Tuesday, 20 November 2012


New and Old players are often left wondering, what can and can't I do with my current seniority.
1st of all, seniority is determined by how many real days you've logged on, not how many days you've been registered. Seniority dictates many things in Howrse and we've compiled a list of landmarks you'll reach once you've reached a given seniority.

1 Day - On your first day, you have access to all the forums. You will also be able to take a job as a groom. 
5 Days - You can post in the forums without having your message validated
10 Days - You are granted access to the auction and can also take a job as a Horse Riding Instructor, you can also access Gift giving and BM exchanges
20 Days - You can open your EC.
30 Days - Access to the Direct and Reserved Sales
40 Days - Take a job as a farrier.
120 Days - Take a job as a saddler
150 days - Post ideas in the ideas forum (International only)

Horse Games for girls

It's true, we love our horses here at TH - but what about after we've looked after all our horses on Howrse and we need something to do. Here's some ideas. - this little game allows you to participate in three events with your horse (dressage, barrel racing and cutting). It's got great graphics and allows you to buy new horses, change the look of the rider and of the horse. Its a 4/5 from us! 
- Note, for this game you may need to install the unity 3D plug in. (You may not however)  - another game in the horse eventing series. This game is slightly different to its predecessor, with show jumping, dressage and steeple chase, it's sure to keep you entertained. It has three levels of difficulty and is a must for any english lover. The steeple chase can be a little difficult however. We're giving it a 3/5. 
Both of these games use the X key on your keyboard to jump as well as directional arrows for movement. - This game isn't quite as good as the last two, but it's a fun little game none the less.

So check them out, when we find a game you might like we'll post it up.


Monday, 19 November 2012

New Promo - Nov 2012

Mary, Mary, How does your garden grow?

Our new promo is the Enchanted Greenhouse. Basically, you plant a seed, look after it, it grows and in turn delivers you a prize. 

1st of all, How do you get seeds?
- When you log on for the first time each day
- With some daily missions (You'll find these down the bottom of the promo page)
- When certain flowers bloom
- By Purchasing them in the flash sales
- By opening a HoP (Maximum two seeds per HoP)

Your plants will grow by several means, these are:
- Each time you log on for the first time each day
-When you water your plants (every 8 hours)
- By giving them fertilizer (which you'll find by doing missions, when you get certain flowers blooming, in the flash sales and when you open some HoP's)

Levels of Seeds and their given growth
Seed       Quality    Daily Growth       Growth - Watering    Growth - Fertiliser
Purple      1*                8%                             8%                            32%
Green       2*                6%                             6%                            24%
Blue         3*                4%                             4%                            16%
Pink         4*                2%                             2%                              8%
Gold        5*                1%                             1%                              4%

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Howrse Changes October 2012

Get the Goss on Our New Updates!

Whether you love them, or you hate them - the new updates are here - they cover (pun intended) covering, costs to covering, etc. etc. 

1. Changes to Unicorn Covering time!
So, we're no longer covering from GMT - but local time. 
it isn't just the time they've changed over at Howrse HQ either. 
2. Covering Timer - If you're sitting on the 'Cover my Mare' page waiting for the time to cover your uni, then here is a new change. 
If the time is wrong, you'll see an X - Covering in wrong conditions.
If the time is right, you'll see a big ol' tick - Covering in right conditions, as well as a timer telling you how long you have left to make the covering. 

Covering Price - So now, instead of the covering fee (from the stallion) or the free covering we gave ourselves and only the vet bill, we now have to pay 1% of our equus reserve (from 200equus up to 2500) for our covering + the fee to the stallion (yes, you still have to pay the excessive vet bills if you cover your own horse) owner all upfront. 

Leave us some feedback THers, we're not a fan of this last change, are you?

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Foal Games - KGS

Before you start, you'll need....

- A sparkly new foal (under 6 months)
- An EC with carrots, large and impeccable meadows
- Turnips

6 Months (prior to actual games)
- Send the foal to bed with 100% energy
- 100% morale 
- 100% health.
Don't overfeed, give water, groom, carrot, turnip and stroke. Send to bed before 10 pm. 

8 Months - 
Feed 6 kilos, Groom, 7hrs play, drink, carrot, stoke, turnip, 1hr play, Put to bed. 

10 Months -
Feed 6 kilos, groom, 8hrs play, drink, carrot, stroke, turnip, 1hr play, Put to bed.

1 year - 
Feed 6 kilos, groom, 9hrs play, drink, carrot, stroke, turnip, 1hr play, Put to bed

1 year 2 months, 
Feed 6 kilos, groom, 10hrs play, drink, carrot, stroke, turnip, 1hr play, put to bed

This is the most crucial part, please read carefully.

1 year 4 months,
Feed 6 kilos, groom, 10hrs play, drink, carrot, stroke, turnip, 2hr play, (You should be using 18% energy) put to bed
(yes, you will be putting your horse to bed late, it doesn't really matter)
Congratulations, you've achieved your 60 points!

Purebred vs. Crossbred. The Great Debate

The Great Breeder Debate, Will I Crossbreed or will I purebreed?

All horses on howrse come from the same place, Ouranos and Gaia, but somewhere down the line, players mixed breeds. So when breeding, and setting our breeder goals - we're faced with the decision... "To Crossbreed, or not to crossbreed? That is the question". Well, TH is going to give you reasons for and against both types of breeding.

What is it? Crossbreeding is breeding two different breeds of horse. 
Why is it done? To improve the GP in a skill that would otherwise be low.
Pros:  It gives you a horse that could essentially be an all rounder, as opposed to a horse with high skills in his breeds class, you can mix the two breeds to bring up the GP.
A horse who is PB can sell for more, as he may have higher skills (if crossbred correctly)
Reader 1 "I breed XB paints, because without the extra breed, they are horrible at trot and this effects them in competitions requiring skill in trot." 
Cons: Horses who are crossbred can never be returned to purebred, so even 20 generations down the line, they will still be crossbred - the most they can be is 99%  of one breed. 
Horses may not sell for as much, as they do not posses the blue PB star which most true breeders are looking for.
Reader 2 "I don't like cross breeding, I don't like that no matter how hard you try, the horses will never be 100% of one breed"

Our Verdict: Only crossbreed if you know the implications (they will never be purebred again, and neither will any of their decendants.) If you're trying to make money out of X-Breeding, make sure the sire and dam are both of exceptional quality of their breed. This will mean you can make the horse a competition all rounder. Also, if you decide to X-breed, remember this. The breed of the foal will be determined by the highest percentage of breed for his or her genetic make-up. If both percentages are 50 - 50 (so both parents are PB) then the foal will be the same breed as the father.

What is it? Purebreeding is making sure a horse is only ever covered with her own breed of horse.
Why is it done? Horses who are purebred are ranked in the GP rankings, so they can achieve the status of greatness.
Pros: A purebred horse has the potential to excel, they posses a blue star which may make them more attractive to other PB breeders.  
Cons: They may be more expensive, they may not have as high a skill as some X-Breds (not always the case however). It can be difficult to maintain the PB status (You may accidently cover with a X-bred horse) There is a lot of PB competition (in the GP rankings)

Our verdict: Being a PB breeder is entirely your choice, everybody's first foal is PB, from there it's up to you. It's great if you want to see your horses name in the standings, but not so great if you're paying more to get a PB covering or new horse from the sales.   


Here are some tips when BLUPing.

Are you going to fully train, or only train for necessity?
In order to BLUP correctly, you must bold the top three skills, so in theory you can just train in the top three skills. However I prefer to train in all skills, this gives a 'better' resale value and enables a horse to excell in all disciplines.

Competitions first. 
What I mean by this, is that you should train only the top three skills first. 
For example, a horse that excells in Dressage.
Train 75% or there abouts in dressage
train 50 % in the next best skill
and 10% or 0 in the final best skill.
This allows the horse to qualify for lower ranked and lower difficulty events, and will give you a better chance of winning them as opposed to being up against the best of the best. 
 After you win 20 competitions, you are free to train just the three best skills or all the skills, do lessons and rides and get that BLUP of +100.