Sunday, 4 November 2012

Howrse Changes October 2012

Get the Goss on Our New Updates!

Whether you love them, or you hate them - the new updates are here - they cover (pun intended) covering, costs to covering, etc. etc. 

1. Changes to Unicorn Covering time!
So, we're no longer covering from GMT - but local time. 
it isn't just the time they've changed over at Howrse HQ either. 
2. Covering Timer - If you're sitting on the 'Cover my Mare' page waiting for the time to cover your uni, then here is a new change. 
If the time is wrong, you'll see an X - Covering in wrong conditions.
If the time is right, you'll see a big ol' tick - Covering in right conditions, as well as a timer telling you how long you have left to make the covering. 

Covering Price - So now, instead of the covering fee (from the stallion) or the free covering we gave ourselves and only the vet bill, we now have to pay 1% of our equus reserve (from 200equus up to 2500) for our covering + the fee to the stallion (yes, you still have to pay the excessive vet bills if you cover your own horse) owner all upfront. 

Leave us some feedback THers, we're not a fan of this last change, are you?


  1. Uhh. NO. I hate the new covering price. I used to cover all of my AP farm mares and then I could get more and cheaper AP horses. Now, I have to pay 3000 if I want to get a foal and that sucks. NO, HOWRSE, just NO!

  2. Yeah! I have like 209k equus, and it is so annoying! But a way to get around it, is to buy A LOT of fodder with your extra money and cover you're mare/mares. Then when you are finished, sell back the fodder. The selling price and buying back price is the same, so some howrsers use it as a 'bank!'
