Sunday, 28 October 2012

Objectives and How to do them! 1-10

100 Objectives, all different. How will you do?

For each objective you complete, you will recieve a prize, so here we're going to give you the list of objectives, and how to complete them.
You can find your objectives at the bottom of the home page and in Profile > My objectives

1.  Buy 7 turnips at the store at one time ( Go to Breeding > Store)
Prize: Poseidon's Horseshoes
2. Post your postion in the breeder's ranking (Go to Ranking>Breeders>View My Position in the Ranking)
Prize: 3 aging points
3. Participate in two competitions with your horse (Breeding > My horses > (select horse) > choose a competition)
Prize: 1 trained horse. 
4.. Reach a Given Seniority - (Log on each day)
Prize - unknown
5. Reach ____ years with a horse you produced (You bred the horse, and your username is listed as the breedr)
Prize: 300 equus
6. Go riding for at least 4 hours in a row with one of your horses (Breeding>My Horses> (Select Horse) > Choose a discipline for riding (Trop, Gallop etc), select four hours or more.
Prize: 1 diamond
7. Offer a covering with one of your stallions. (Breeding>My horses> (select male horse) > Reproduction > offer a covering (either to your horse or one in the public domain)
Prize: 1 MG Saddle
8. Give a lesson with one of your horses (Breeding > My horses > (select horse) > Lesson)
Prize: 5 turnips
9. Sell 20 droppings to the store at once (Breeding>Store> Resell Items> Select 20 droppings)
Prize: 100 more droppings.
10. Congratulate 3 players on their game - (you can either do this by going to your friends if you have any, returning congratulations on your page or by going to Ranking>General Ranking and then congratulating any three players there.

Stay tuned for 11 - 21 :) 

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