Monday, 1 October 2012

One more for this evening ladies and gentlemen!
Questions answered.

Question 1 - What is Multi-accounting and how can it be avoided - asked by Sarah1276
Hello Sarah, Multi accounting is where a player has more than one account on a single server, it is forbidden by the user agreement. It can be used to cheat, give equus, gifts, BM items etc, etc. Many players feel they can 'get away' with multi accounting but this simply isn't true. Owlient is able to detect IP addresses to determing whether a player is multi accounting. Sometimes they get it wrong, and you have to be careful when allowing siblings or friends to play Howrse on your computer as it can sometimes be mistaken for multi accounting even though you're not. One way to avoid it when other players are using your computer is to be aware not to log on yourself, log off and then allow other players to log on and off. The most efficient way to avoid multi accounting is just to not make another account. Note: It is NOT multi accounting if you have one account on each server.  Punishments can result in loss of karma, banning or even account deletion. 

Question 2 -  Can I get cheats for Passes and diamonds? where can I get them? - asked by Emmalindamen1998
Emmalindamen1998 - there are no 'cheats' for howrse. 
Passes can be achieved in the following ways:
*You can pay for them, via text, direct debit etc. You'll find out more information on the 'My passes' section under the My Profile tab. 
* You can also 'trade'  equus for passes every 50 days of seniority with 20% of your reserve.
*By sending a horse who is over 25 to heaven, you will recieve a pass Note: You can not bring this horse back as it died at an advanced age so think carefully before killing off a horse. 
* Winning them in competitions
* By planting Pass seeds in your EC. These are very rare seeds that occur in the EC shop every autumn. 
*By owning, stroking, visiting the pages of certain divines. 
Diamonds are similar to passes, they allow you to purchase black market items, aging points and equus'. You can not use diamonds for horse purchases. 
* Completing partner deals (My profile>My passes>Partner Deals) 
* Winning them in competitions
*Trading 1 pass for 10 diamonds.

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