Monday, 8 October 2012


Haven vs. Heaven

It's no surprise to us here at TH, that sometimes it may be necessary to let our horses go. We've run an opinion poll about how our readers feel about giving their horses to the safe haven, and sending them to heaven

Safe haven -             It's a Great idea! 30%,       It's terrible -  70%

Our verdict? - We here at TH understand that sometimes we just can't look after our horses well. Maybe we've run out of equus, or just have too many horses to handle - maybe nobody will buy our horses in the sales. At one stage or another, we've all sent a horse there. We're fans of the safe haven. It means we don't have to kill our beloved animals!

So what is the safe haven? It's essentially a 'better place' for our horses. It means we can put them there and know they will be forever looked after. Some people believe we should be able to retrieve SH horses, but we all also know how huge that would be. After a horse is sent to the SH, it becomes 'just a picture' . All traits, GP, skill, everything that makes that horse unique is deleted from the game. It keeps his or her name, any GA coats etc and his image. 

Reader 1's opinion, "I'm unsure about the haven, It's great in the regards that people can send horses there who may not be recieving the best care, it's also great that howrse have allowed us to stroke the haven horses. I just think it would be great if they were too allow people to adopt horses, I've seen several divines in the mix at the haven, and just think they'd be better off allowing users a random chance at adopting them"

Reader 2's opinion, "I don't particularly like the SH. You get paid to abandon a horse. None of my horses will ever end up there, I can tell you that now." 

Heaven -   It's a better place - 60%,             More like hell  - 40%

Our verdict? We don't agree that heaven and the haven should be two different places. Essentially, you have to 'kill off' horses to go there, and then can resucitate them anyway. 

What is horsey heaven? It's a place set aside for horses who died, and who were killed. Horses can die from not being looked after properly and even just old age. They automatically go to heaven after their death and the owner will then have a tab called 'My horses in heaven'. Horses who die (that are under 25) can be resucitated with a BM item. Horses over 25 can not be brought back from the dead, as they died at an advanced age. Horses over 30 who die will bring their owner a pass but also cannot be resucitated. 

Reader 1's opinion "I dissagree with some crucial parts of heaven. I don't like the pass system, or the resucitation. It seems too 'gimmie-gimmie' and players will happily kill off horses if they want a pass"

Reader 2's opinion "I'm really quite undecided."

Heaven vs. Haven? 

80% of you, prefer heaven whilst the other 20% love the haven. 

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